Silks & High Slits + A Better Inner Circle

Friendships are just like any relationship. If it's not a 2-way street, then it's very limited & it won't go very far. There's always that "honeymoon phase" when everything is bliss & you always want to be around each other. Then one day you just snap out of it, maybe it's becoming repetitive or maybe you realized you had nothing in common with the person or maybe you're just tired of them. Ain't nobody got time for that so "Bye, Felicia!"

Ever wonder why you get over people?

Steps towards a better circle/friends

    This is the most important part. Understand what you are about, your desires & what you want to accomplish. Not everyone will be on the same boat but as long as you fully know yourself, you will not be swayed by other people.

    Bring in the pros & cons. This is where start asking yourself questions like:
    How do I feel when I hang with them? Do they ever give positive input to my life? Can I learn from them? Do they inspire me? Do I care about what they're about? How often do they invite me to things I don't want to do? Do they know me enough or understand what I'm about? How often do I say "no" to them? Do I feel like I'm forcing myself to hang with them? There are more questions to ask but you get the idea. It really depends on your preference.

  • ADD & DROP
    It sounds like that period in college when you determine which classes you wanna keep or get rid of. Once you've weighed out your "friends", it's pretty much the same concept. I know it's kinda mean but the people you surround yourself with can affect your personal growth & success. I'm sure you have people in your life who have been around for years but it shouldn't matter. It's not healthy keeping things or people in your life just because of sentiment. One thing is for sure, not everyone can be replaced so be careful who you cut ties with. Everyone brings something different to the table. With that said, try to meet new people who would bring something special to your world.

    Once you've configured the people you want to surround yourself with, invest your time & get to know them. What good is an Aston Martin if you don't keep up with the upkeep? Just like everything else, they will fall apart if you don't take good care of them. Make sure you make time for the right people & don't let them down. Go out of your way to help them, if you can. Motivate each other & criticize constructively if you must.
    The whole idea is to have people in your life who can be your role models & vice versa. You & your circle may not be reading the same books but as long as y'all are reading & flipping pages to get to a finish line, that's a circle worth investing in.

Wearing MD.13 Marc necklace from "Just For Men" collection & a DIY slim whistle necklace.

Top: Joe Fresh  |  Skirt: Michael Kors (similar)  |  Sandals: (similar) |  Sunnies: NYC Street vendor (similar) |  Necklaces: MD.13

Photography by Marcus Pizarro