Posts tagged style inspiration
Silks & High Slits + A Better Inner Circle
"I think it's important to have closure in any relationship that ends - from a romantic relationship to a friendship. You should always have a sense of clarity at the end and know why it began and why it ended. You need that in your life to move cleanly into your next phase."
-Jennifer Aniston


It's my 16th birthday & a friend invites me to go watch Ocean's 11. I get home & my parent's house was filled with my peers. They all surprised me for my birthday. It was a good time. They even gave me a board filled with their handwritten best wishes & yadi, yadi, yada.

Present day:

I don't hang with any of those people. Some of them I just don't want in my circle, some of them wronged me one way or the other & some are strictly social media friend's list fillers.

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Sporty Chic
"I got an appetite for destruction and you're a small fry"
- Jay-Z

This summer, I will live in maxi & midi dresses, cullotes & trousers. I think I'm completely over the mini skirts or dresses. Also, I will put importance to comfort times a million! Those super cute & super flat sandals are so bad for my feet and posture so sneakers & thicker sole shoes it is.

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