Black and Gold

I never had a " 30 before 30" list because life does not end at 30.

In exactly 3 months, I'll be 30 and I have never felt so alive in my life!

This year has been rough with work and the business but you best believe that everyday I gas myself up about what I am blessed with.

I have an amazing man by my side, a supporting family and great friends, the old & the new. I have a job, a nice home & I'm not a deadbeat. (I tell myself this every time I beat myself up, it's normal. lol)

I know it's not Thanksgiving yet (almost there) but I'm grateful for every opportunity that presents itself and every door I decide to barge into.

So, come for me, 30! I'm ready for you and all the good, bad and ugly that you have in store for me.



Top: LTrain Vintage
Jeans: ASOS
Shoes: Ravel


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Photography by Marcus Pizarro